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Does This Sound Familiar? The Typical Working Day For Someone New to Working From Home (It’s a Nightmare!)
So what happens?

You probably begin your day at 9am (because that’s sensible).

But you probably got up at 8.30am (because you could) and you therefore didn’t have time to wash. You’re feeling grimy from the day before… but you’ll do it later.

The first thing you do next, is to make yourself a cup of coffee. That takes 5 minutes. Then you check some emails, and maybe watch a video on YouTube.

It’s now 9.35am and you haven’t done anything yet.

A colleague on Slack has noticed that you’ve only just logged in…

You open up your todo list and you see a MASSIVE list of things that you need to complete. You MIGHT have had a chance if you’d started at 9am but now you’re doomed!

So you work solidly until 7pm, battling between focusing and procrastinating. You finish exhausted but still send off another email before bed.

Surprise, surprise, tomorrow doesn’t go any better!